We’re all Mad here
what would ya like?
We have games, common sense, and biz advice.
Choose your pleasure.
This site is largely about games, but it’s also a home base for other projects I’m working on.
Stick with what you like, or click around and see what you find. Here’s a guide to get you started.
If you like games, books, horror movies, art, and cozy, unsettling, or just plain weird things, then KDSM is the place for you. I talk about all of those things in written and video form. If you have an indie game you’d like to submit for consideration, drop me a line here.
Want to live a more creative life? Check out Curiosity30.
Each month presents a new 30-day creative challenge that will take you less than 15 minutes to tackle a day. Open to all skill levels, join a project that interests you, or try them all to discover new creative outlets.
Culturyn is about the things that matter to me on a personal level. It's a bit of a grab bag, for sure, but largely, it’s about my quest to become a better human spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
It’s about collecting beautiful and ugly experiences and shaping them into something worthwhile. It’s about truth and open-mindedness. The world can be a shitty place, but there are things we can do in and of ourselves to be better and therefore make it better for others.